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Technical Training


Course Outline

Dates Offered (click on the desired date to register):

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Client-Side Java Programming

Course Number:  ITJ5

Course Description:  This intensive, hands-on course emphasizes becoming productive quickly as a Java client-side programmer. Students learn how to create real-world Object-Oriented GUI applications using Java.



Target Audience: 

Prerequisites:  Programming in a language such as C or C++. Knowledge of OO concepts recommended.

Course Length:  5 days


Getting Started What is Java? How to Get Java A First Java Program Compiling and Interpreting Applications Applets Compiling and Interpreting Applets The JDK Directory Structure Java 2 Language Fundamentals A Java Program Conditional Statements Loop Statements Syntax Details Portable Datatypes Expressions in Java Strings Arrays Assertions Objects and Classes Defining a Class Creating an Object Instance Data and Class Data Methods Constructors Visibility Modifiers Methods and Messages Parameter Passing Comparing and Identifying Objects Destroying Objects Using the Primitive-Type Wrapper Classes Documentation of Classes Inheritance in Java Inheritance Casting Method Overriding super Interfaces Abstract Classes The Object Class Introspection Packages Packages The import Statement CLASSPATH and import Defining Packages Package Scope Exception Handling Exceptions Overview Catching Exceptions The finally Block Exception Methods Declaring Exceptions Defining and Throwing Exceptions Errors and RuntimeExceptions Chained Exceptions Collections Java Arrays The Collections Framework Set Implementation Classes List Implementation Classes Map Implementation Classes Applying Algorithms Implementation and Performance Strategies Introduction to Threads Non-Threaded Applications Threaded Applications Creating Threads Thread States Runnable Threads Coordinating Threads Runnable Interface Threads in Applets Interrupting Threads ThreadGroups Inner Classes Inner Classes Member Classes Local Classes Anonymous Classes Instance Initializers Nested Classes Inheritance vs. Containment Getting Started with Swing AWT and Swing Displaying a Window GUI Programming in Java Handling Events Arranging Components A Scrollable Component Configuring Components Menus Using the JfileChooser Heavyweight vs. Lightweight Components Event Handling The Event Delegation Model Implementing a Listener Semantic Events List Selection Events Event Objects Mouse Events Other Low-Level Events A Popup Menu Example Adapters Components Controlling Component Appearance The Component Hierarchy Fonts Font Manipulation Color Getting Fancy Text Components More Text Components Scrolled Components JTable and MVC Laying Out a Container Containment Hierarchy Using Layout Managers Top-Level Containers General-Purpose Containers FlowLayout Box and BoxLayout CardLayout JTabbedPane GridLayout GridBagLayout and GridBagConstraints Non-Managed Containers Specialized Components Specialized Components Compound Components Dialogs Extending Dialog Using JOptionPane Choosers Applets Loading Applets The Tag GUI Applets Graphical Applets HTML Parameters Retrieving Images Browser Interaction Applet Methods Applet vs. Application Swing Applets Plug-Ins HTML Tags for Swing Applets Security Input/Output Streams Overview of Streams Bytes vs. Characters Converting Byte Streams to Character Streams Binary Input and Output PrintWriter Class Reading and Writing Objects Streams Streams Streams Buffers, Channels and Charsets File and FileChannel Objects Managing Security Policies The Java Security Model Policy Entries Policy Files Using the Policy Tool Security Managers Default Applet Security

Phone:  772 217 3261


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