Training Categories

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Technical Training


Course Outline

Dates Offered (click on the desired date to register):

This course is currently not scheduled for the near future.

Advanced C++

Course Number:  C3

Course Description:  This course provides the knowledge necessary to use and implement the advanced features of the C++ language. The presentation of advanced topics is complemented by using them with many programming techniques. Particular emphasis is placed on performance issues, practical problems, and implementation.

Objectives:  Participants will be able to: •Utilize virtual functions •Identify common problems in implementation C++ features •Understand Virtual Functions •Understand and Use Multiple Inheritance •Use effectively Dynamic memory management •Understand and Use Exceptions •Understand and Use Templates


Target Audience: 

Prerequisites:  C++ Fundamentals

Course Length:  3 or 4 Days


Review of: Constructors, Destructors, and Constructor arguments Dynamic Objects Coupling, Cohesion Object-Orientation design notations Interface Prototyping Information hidden Polymorphism Inheritance Concept of inheritance Class diagrams Base and derived classes Inheritance vs. composition Inheritance and pointers Pointer conversion Use of base pointers Heterogeneous arrays Polymorphism The concept of polymorphism Dynamic binding Virtual functions Using Virtual functions Inheritance details Abstract base Class Virtual destructor Protocol access Techniques Dynamic object ownership Function as owner Object as owner Class as owner Encapsulation Techniques Source file organization Protocol classes Efficiency Principles Methodology Collections Interface vs. Implementation Data structure selection Bounded vs. unbounded Iterator functions Iterator objects Iterator state Dangling iterator Dangling references Templates Class templates Template instantiation Implementation Leveraging Templates Templates as implementation tools Implementation Issues Performance Executable code size Multiple Inheritance Interface inheritance Abstract callback protocols Multiple sever protocols Virtual Base Classes Construction Assignment Dominance Dynamic and multiple classification Dynamic classification Multiple classification Their relationship to inheritance Exceptions Throw and catch Exceptions in new code Class Libraries Design and Implement of a Generic Container Class using void pointer (like C) using subclasses using inheritance using templates

Phone:  772 217 3261


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