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Technical Training


Course Outline

Dates Offered (click on the desired date to register):

This course is currently not scheduled for the near future.

Linux Bootcamp

Course Number:  LIN4

Course Description:  Linux is a powerful multi-user, multi-tasking operating system with a rapidly growing number of users on a wide range of computer and workstations. This course presents a comprehensive review of the Linux essential concepts as well as the facilities, services, utilities, and programs. Also it will provide a way to keep up with the changes and the trends in the operating system.

Objectives:  By the end of this course, participants will be able to: Navigate the Linux file system, Login/Logout, Change passwords, Display the contents of a text file on the screen, Transverse the Linux file system, Utilize the Linux commands, Process the through commands using pipes and filters, Configure the shell environment, Transfer files between computers, Send basic messages to other users on-line, Use I/O redirection, Use the basic Linux commands such as cp, mv, cd, ls, rmdir, rm, cat, who, etc., Process through commands using pipes and filters, Configure the shell environment


Target Audience: 

Prerequisites:  Computer literate end users who need a basic understanding of Linux.

Course Length:  1 day


Overview of the Linux Architecture, Directory structure, Logging On/Off, Login Names, Passwords, Shells, Who, users, date, time, clear, ls, ps, cat, man, passwd, telnet, cal, ftp, wc, pr, lp, lpq, lprm, chmod, umask, pwd, cd, mkdir, cp, rm, mv, cmp, diff/diff3/com, find, chown, mesg, whereis, exit, echo, ping, free, stty, killall, kill, df, du, grep, hosname, uname, compress, uncompress, gzip, Basic Job Control, Linux Shell, Shell MetaCharacters, Shell Variables, Start-up files, Pipes, and Redirections, Background jobs, Mail, Introduction to Xwindows, tae, top

Phone:  772 217 3261


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