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Technical Training


Course Outline

Dates Offered (click on the desired date to register):

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Server-Side Java Programming

Course Number:  ITJ8

Course Description:  This intensive, hands-on course emphasizes becoming productive quickly as a server-side Java 2 programmer. Students learn how to use Java 2 to implement distributed, multi-tier applications.



Target Audience: 

Prerequisites:  Java Fundamentals for Non-C Programmers or Client-Side Java Programming.

Course Length:  3 days


Regular Expressions Pattern Matching and Regular Expressions Regular Expressions in Java Regular Expression Syntax Special Characters Quantifiers (*, +, ?, {}) Assertions (^, $, \b, \B) The Pattern Class The Matcher Class Capturing Groups Collections Java Arrays The Collections Framework Set Implementation Classes List Implementation Classes Map Implementation Classes Applying Algorithms Implementation and Performance Strategies Introduction to Threads Non-Threaded Applications Threaded Applications Creating Threads Thread States Runnable Threads Coordinating Threads Runnable Interface Interrupting Threads ThreadGroups Introduction to JDBC The JDBC Connectivity Model Database Programming Connecting to the Database Creating a SQL Query Getting the Results Updating Database Data Finishing Up JDBC SQL Programming Error Checking and the SQLException Class The SQLWarning Class The Statement Interface The ResultSet Interface Updatable Result Sets JDBC Types Executing SQL Queries ResultSetMetaData Executing SQL Updates Transaction Management JDBC SQL Escape Syntax Advanced JDBC Using a PreparedStatement Parameterized Statements Stored Procedures ResultSets from Stored Procedures The execute() Method Batch Updates RowSets DatabaseMetaData Large Objects The DriverManager Class Types of JDBC Driver Networking with Sockets Clients and Servers Ports, Addresses and Protocols The Socket Class Communication Using I/O Servers The ServerSocket Class Concurrent Servers The URL Class The URLConnection Class Remote Method Invocation Distributed Applications Stubs Steps to Create a Remote Object An RMI Client An RMI Server RMI Classes and Interfaces Parameter Passing and Serialization Callbacks RMI Utilities RMI-IIOP Server-Side Components Component-Based Development The Basic Bean JavaBeans in J2EE Bean Properties Packaging Beans Beans & JDBC Servlets Using Servlets Dynamic HTML Semantics GenericServlet API HttpServlet API HTML Servlet Choices Client/Server Communication Client Example Server Example Native Methods Overview of Java Native Methods and JNI How to Create and Use Native Methods Native Method Declaration Using javah Creating the Implementation Code Compilation Distribution Using the Native Methods JNI Passing Arguments Calling Java Methods in Native Code Embedding a VM in Native Code

Phone:  772 217 3261


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